Short Stories for Kids on Truth and Deception

1. The small things have a major impact.
A man was strolling along the beach in the morning. He observed that hundreds of starfish arrived with the morning tide, and that when the tide receded, they were left behind and would perish from the morning sun's rays. The starfish were alive and the tide was still in. After a few paces, the man selected one and tossed it into the sea. He did that over and over. There was someone standing right behind him who was unable to comprehend what the man was doing.

"What are you doing?" he said as he got up to him. Hundreds of starfish are present. To what number can you assist? What impact does it have? This man said, "It makes a difference to this one," without answering. He then took two more steps, picked up another one, and flung it into the sea.

What difference are we making? Big or small, it does not matter. If everyone made a small difference, we’d end up with a big difference, wouldn’t we?

"We are a poster and map store. Form our store we recommend that you buy world map for wall , its a great addition to kids room."

2. The New Clothes of the Emperor

There was an Emperor who cherished nothing more than to dress up in designer clothing.  He would change into brand-new royal attire three times a day.  Many emperors spend their days conferring with advisors and resolving local issues.  Not this particular one!  He was too preoccupied dispatching his attendants to search for the next fabulous garment to don.

Two strangers arrived in the town one day.  They claimed to be weavers.  They said that the fabric they woven was the best that anyone had ever seen.  However, they were actually criminals rather than weavers.

These fraudulent weavers claimed that their material was more exquisite than any other, but only they could see it.  The magic cloth was truly seen only to the most exceptional and intelligent individuals.  Those who lacked intelligence and excellence, well, they would see absolutely nothing.

Two strangers arrived in the town one day.  They claimed to be weavers.  They said that the fabric they woven was the best that anyone had ever seen.  However, they were actually criminals rather than weavers.

These fraudulent weavers claimed that their material was more exquisite than any other, but only they could see it.  The magic cloth was truly seen only to the most exceptional and intelligent individuals.  Those who lacked intelligence and excellence, well, they would see absolutely nothing.

"I can't let anyone know that I can't see this magic cloth," the Emperor thought to himself.  Who knows what their opinions of me might be!?  Instead, he uttered, "Yes!  This is the most exquisite fabric that anyone has ever laid eyes on!

It became out that the Emperor's spectacular yearly Parade was approaching quickly.  On this particular day, the people of the kingdom formed a queue to applaud and admire the Emperor as he passed by.  The Emperor requested a more exquisite ensemble this year than in previous ones.  It has to be made of the amazing cloth that the weaver made!

Still, there wasn't much time.  Is it possible for them to weave the cloth before the Parade?  The two impostor weavers scowled, as though they were unsure.  Then, with a smile, they acknowledged that they could make him the most exquisite royal costume and cape ever.  However, in order to have the work done on time, many more gold coins would be needed.

The entire cost was covered by the Emperor.   The two thieves immediately stuffed the riches into their chests.  Yet they didn't purchase yarn.  They only purchased a couple of candles to light the windows at night.  Everyone would then exclaim, "Look!  To finish the Emperor's new garments in time for the Parade, the apprentice weavers are weaving through the night.

The Emperor visited the weaver's shop early on the morning of the Parade.  He was confident that he would be able to see the magic fabric this time.  Nevertheless, the Emperor was blind.


The astute thieves claimed, "These clothes are so light and airy it will feel as if you have nothing on at all," when it came time for the Emperor to take off his garments.  And in fact, the Emperor perceived it that way!

Because he noticed that he had nothing on when he glanced in the mirror.  However, he reasoned that he must be dressed somewhat elaborately.  One that justified every penny he had overspent.

The Emperor strode with pride and dignity during the Parade.  Everybody who watched him pass by exclaimed, "I can't believe what I'm seeing! The Emperor has no clothes on!"

However, none of them spoke.  They were aware that the magic clothing were only visible to the exceptionally intelligent and gifted.  Rather, they applauded, saying, "There goes the Emperor!"  Isn't he looking well?

Then one day a small youngster cried out, "Look!  "The Emperor is naked!"  Everyone let out a gasp.  Then a different young person exclaimed, "See him!  He's not doing anything at all!

Then someone chuckled.  And another individual.  Then the number of people laughing increased.   I overheard someone ask, "Would you look at that?  There are no clothes on our Emperor!

The Emperor thought, "Oh dear."  Everyone is aware now that I was unable to see the cloth!  They'll know that I remained silent out of fear for other people's opinions of me. What are they going to think of me now?

But there must be a Parade.  The Emperor kept walking in this manner.  The attendants positioned behind him persisted in hoisting the nonexistent train.


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